Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Callum is 6 months

Callum recently turned 6 mos. old, which means my little guy is already half a year old. It seemed just yesterday he was a teeny, tiny newborn new to the world. Where did the time go? I am having so much fun just seeing him grow from day to day and watching him explore so many new tastes and sounds. Eating new foods has been enjoyable for him, as he seems to like pretty much anything I make for him. He loves playing with his big sister and observes everything she does. He has sooo much energy and is already getting around, quite literally. He has gotten so good at rolling over from his back to his tummy now and has taken his first crawling steps. I can only imagine the energy this little boy will have when he is Avery's age! I guess I'm in for a surprise!

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